Review: The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu

Review: The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu

I had so much fun reading this book. I went into this book pretty sure I was going to have a good time. We went on a fun romp through Europe; I love a good romp through Europe. And obviously we know there was going to be some level of disaster, there needs to be a plot, but oh my gosh. I am so ready for book two.

Alec and Magnus are thriving as much an anyone possibly can at the end of QoAaD. If you have read all of Cassandra Clare's books than watching Magnus throughout the series has been a constant interest, and watching the way his and Alec's relationship has flourished and seen the trials they have had to overcome has been a highlight of the series. Going back to Fallen Angels time with these guys was so exciting, diving into their emotional states at that point was an excellent choice.

I especially enjoyed getting to see Alec through Magnus' eyes, and I loved seeing someone who thought of Alec so highly and so clearly likes Alec more than the other characters we love. Obviously, Izzy and Jace love Alec, but probably as much as the love the other one. It always makes someone more endearing to see them through someone who values them.

I've been so invested in this series of series for so long that I should no longer be surprised that I can be surprised by these books. I saw the first big reveal coming, but the two subsequent reveals were not what I was expecting. I was so swept away in the happiness that I forgot we were obviously still in danger. In danger is the default state of these novels.

I loved all the old friends we got to hang out with. Won't name too many names because spoilers but I really enjoyed the people who were chosen to bring into this book. I loved that most of the people we were with are LGBTQ, Helene is a character about whom I have always wanted to know more. And that last old friend character. I was not expecting it.

If you are invested in this world than you should really read this book. This series is going big places, and I cannot wait for the next one. I am very very curious about when the next two take place?

Also, now I totally need to check all of Wesley Chu's other books out! I never felt like something didn't feel like a Shadowhunter book which is a testament to Chu's talent as a writer; I am excited to see how he writes in his IP.

I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads, and finished it on April 11th, 2019.

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