Review: Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

Review: Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

I really enjoyed myself reading the conclusion to this series!

I super love the theme of concentrated power is inherently corrupting. Do I think this was perfectly executed throughout the whole series? No. Might that be because of the people I was exposed to before I read the series? Maybe at least in part. I donā€™t think the balance of sympathetic villain with ensuring the reader is shown that tyranny/fascism/manipulation is not cool was done perfectly. But I did like the way the series ended with it. So, I guess I donā€™t think the series as a whole nailed that perfectly but I really think this book did. Which is why I think this book is divisive in the circles I run in on the internet. 

This book did add a lot to the world, I felt more depth that I was missing in earlier books. I still think the cost of both Grisha powers and merzost most of the time didnā€™t feel like they really had a cost. Or just that I didnā€™t grasp their depth and use very well. But this book did convince me that Alina was more than just a human lamp (who can also cut people in half). I love the little sprinkles of irl science explaining Alinaā€™s magic usage. That was excellent. Also, I feel a bit bad about the human lamp comment and want to clarify that that is a bit tongue-in-cheek. 

As always, Leigh Bardugo writes very well. It is so impressive to be able to write a book that is so easy and enjoyable to read, and from what I have heard she only gets better over time. I am completely pulled through each novel with abandon and I love that. 

I love the characters of this series! I am so excited to be able to see at least some of them again in the future. I like that I have been introduced to people I could dislike then grown to be very fond of as their connections to each other grow. I tend to be a little heard hearted with betrayal but I liked that this book made me forgive and understand a lot of the characters. 

I also love grumpy old women. Baghra is a fascinating character that I am obsessed with. She is like the chief example of the way people can overlook and enable others faults, and how you can excuse the inexcusable if you try hard enough. She did terrible things, had terrible things done to her, was a fabulous teacher, and was the most grumpy human ever. I love her. 

I liked the plot of this book so much! Again, I did think some of the foreshadowing was a little heavyhanded (as SOON as you hear the story about Baghraā€™s sister you KNOW Mal is related) but aside from that, I had a pretty great time. I liked the romance, I liked the friendship, I LOVE a good cult formation, and I love a quest. 

Basically, I liked this book a lot. No one really needs to be told that Leigh Bardugo is someone they should read, because they already know it, but I shall be added to the hoard of people who adore her.

And I cried three times. Love it when books make me cry.

I am so excited to continue to live in this world. Six of Crows here I come!



New Books 2/22/2019