Currently Reading: King of Scars


SPOILERS. Just saying it again for emphasis.

Just starting out with this: I trust Leigh Bardugo to write a story that will completely sweep me away. And I know bringing back a dead big bad is excellent fodder in many a fantasy realm.

But I don’t I don’t know if I’ve told the internet this yet but I don’t think the Darkling did what he was intended to do fully in the first two Grisha Trilogy books and I also super hate him.

What I am loving: Zoya yelling at people who want to venerate the Darkling. And, of course, the first vegetarian I remember in this world is someone I would not get along with. (I’m a vegetarian)

Context: I have only read up to page 130. Please don’t spoil me.

Also I love that we are getting more spineless creepy horrible Apparat. He 100% needs to be squished like the bug he is.

Perhaps Zoya has a shoe?

Currently Reading: King of Scars

Currently Reading: King of Scars