Children of Blood and Bone Crossword Puzzle

I did imply the next crossword puzzle was going to the These Broken Stars on last week’s Illuminae puzzle, but I happened to finish my Children of Blood and Bone puzzle and wanted this one to be up next!

I am banana’s excited for Children of Virtue and Vengeance (coming December 3rd, 2019) and thought this was a decent way to refresh on the story! Kind of a summary that you have to work for. Which might defeat the purpose. Lots of people have the book recapped, and I have a review here, but I do think that this is a fun way to see how much you remember. Also it has been on the NYT Bestseller list for 76 weeks so I assume lots of people have it fresh in their minds! And those new B&N Maji Clan Editions, they make me want to be financially irresponsible.

Basically Tomi Adeyemi is a genius and I had so much fun revisiting her world!

Notes on the Puzzle

Ignore #41, that totally should have been whited out. Also #20 down has a spelling mistake that is noted in the clues, I did not notice it until my final check while writing the questions. So you get a freebee.

Here is the link to last week’s Illuminae puzzle answers! I’m not sure which puzzle is going up next! I have three puzzles completely finished and ready to go (These Broken Stars, Pride and Prejudice, and The Storm Crow) but I am currently unsure what is going up next!

Next week’s puzzle! The Storm Crow!


1 Tzain’s friend in Gombe

3 Sport #’s 1 and 26 across play

6 Maji title for those who can manipulate fire

8 Deity of the Aiye Clan

9 Deity who taught her human siblings how to control water

11 Phosphorescent sea

13 Capital of Orisha

15 Place northwest of Zaria

18 Inan is told “When you have what you need, ___ that village to the ground.”

19 Type of Maji zelie’s mama warned her about

22 Maji of animals OR maji associated with pink

23 Crown princess

25 Little prince

26 The generally liked Agebola sibling

28 Black alloy that weakens magic and burns maji

31 Deity of #72 down

32 (2 words) Tzain’s moniker after winning the competition

34 Goddess of life and death

35 Village that the artifacts washed ashore in

37 Took the air from Sky Mothers breath to make Winders

39 Maji of time OR clan associated with silver

40 Ccity they must reach before sailing to the sacred islands

42 Amari and Tzain exchange “The Princess and the ____?” “That sounds like a love story.”

45 Clan that are the maji of mind spirit and dreams !

48 Zelie and Tzain’s home town

51 Maji of darkness and light !

52 Brother god of the Eranko !

54 Ccity known for farming

55 City Inan goes to where he will “see the actual sea”

57 Maji from the Eranko Clan OR type of maji Ife turns out to be

58 (3 words) type of fish Zelie sells the nobel

60 Type of maji # 40 down is !

61 Diviners are split into this kind of social structure (singular)

62 Garment worn by many

63 Country our story takes place in

64 Event King Saran orchestrated 

66 Maji of health and disease

69 City divided into 4 quadrants

72 Place Lekan tells Zelie to go to find the stone

73 (2 words) number of silver pieces the nobel gives Zelie

74 The only island that is not time specific in the Lokoja Sea

75 (2 words) Amari’s moniker after winning the competition

76 Clan whose maji title is Reaper !

77 City known for its mines

78 Zelie’s weapon of choice


1 (2 words) person who kills Binta

2 Maji of water !

4 Person who Tzain saves from drowning

5 (2 words) bald seer who runs a deceptive business

7 North west of gombe

9 The maji tongue 

10 Type of diviner mama agba is

12 Ilorin’s village gardner

14 SWorst place a maji can end up in

15 Those who can use magic

16 The king's mistress and confidant 

17 Number of clans

18 Amari’s oldest friend

20 Ornmila - MISSPELLING FREEBEE should be Orunmila. 

21 Type of maji who mama agba saw in her vision

24 Slur for maji

26 Maji with mastery of the sea

27 (2 words) Zelie’s moniker after winning the competition

29 Those without magic

30 Sister goddess of the Iwosan !

33 Location of the sacred temple

35 Color of maji’s hair

36 The pickpocket from Sutori

38 Kosidan girl Zelie sparrs with

40 Young leader of the Diviner’s camp

43 What maji need to do magic 

44 Girl in the court Amari is compared with

46 Cancer twin

47 People who can trace their family back to Orisha’s first royalty

49 Adebola family lionaire

50 Our quick tempered hero

56 Sidter goddess of the Lighters !

57 Purpose for Zelie’s visit to the capital

58 Type of maji Zelie and Tzain’s mama was

59 Northeast of Ibdan

61 Clothing item Amari finds in the Captains room

65 Those who could do magic

67 The Afefe Clan has these maji

68 City described as lawless

70 Young girl who acts as Mama Agba’s look out

71 The sentaro at Chandomble

72 Clan containing the maji of fire

The Storm Crow Crossword Puzzle

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff Crossword Puzzle